Remote HbA1c Monitoring Innovation Challenge Open for Applications
Remote HbA1c Monitoring: Overcoming the logistical issues and developing innovative care pathways
The Scottish Health Industry Partnership (SHIP), part of the Scottish Government Chief Scientist Office (CSO) is funding a Diabetes – Remote HbA1c Open Innovation Challenge.
The aim of the competition is to develop disruptive innovative solutions that deliver sustainable, accessible and equitable remote HbA1c self-testing. This will include the development, distribution and return of self-collection blood sample kits with instructions on self-phlebotomy for patients and integration of the results within the current NHS infrastructure.
Applicants can apply for a share of a total challenge fund of £250,000, inclusive of VAT split across two phases. The challenge ambition is to support pre-commercial experimental development, feasibility testing and evidence gathering to enable commercial procurement across NHS Scotland.
The challenge is open to applications until 11am on Monday 05th June 2023.
Project must meet all three requirements of the challenge:-
- Data driven approach to risk stratification and prioritisation: Identification of a clinically meaningful patient population at risk of T2DM or with existing diabetes in whom at home HbA1c may help support a virtual/hybrid care model
- Demonstrate an effective user friendly self-collection blood test kit, validation of the sample volume, quality and analytical performance. This includes the ability to distribute to identified patients ensuring linkage within the request of sample to patient, return for analysis and instructions for use of test and return of samples by the patient
- Demonstrate viable service for distribution of self-collection kit to patients and return to a UKAS accredited laboratory or by a UKAS accredited point of care testing facility (POCT) (ISO15189) method for analysis. Either the sample or the result to return to NHS infrastructure for integration within the patient record.
Launch Event
The Remote HbA1c Monitoring Open Innovation Challenge Launch event occurred on the 28th March 2023. Please see the below links for more information on this event.
Further Information
Test Bed Packs and Contact Form
Public Contracts Scotland SBRI Notice
For any further queries about this innovation challenge, please email