NHS Scotland Innovation Fellowship Scheme – Applications Open!
Cohort 1 of the Innovation Fellowship Scheme launches today on Wednesday, 4th May 2022. All information is available online NHS Scotland Innovation Fellowships – Chief Scientist Office
The aim of the Innovation Fellowship Scheme is to strengthen the innovation culture to solve real problems in the NHS and social care, improving the quality, efficiency and sustainability of health and care delivery and supporting NHS Scotland’s Re-mobilise, Recover, Re-design Framework.
The scheme will support NHS Scotland staff in developing an innovation career within their post.
An online information session will take place 16:00 – 17:00 on Tuesday 10th of May. Please email InnovationFellowship@gov.scot to register.
Applications for the first Cohort of this Fellowship will close at 5pm on Wednesday, 15th June 2022.
Any interested colleagues from the South-East region can contact HISES directly via Innovations@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk for informal enquiries or contact the regional test bed lead.