Midlothian’s Community Respiratory Team helping to reduce admissions and make a difference to patients
Midlothian has the highest rate of the disease in Scotland, managing about 80 patients at any one time. The new community respiratory team aims to dramatically reduce hospital stays and free up NHS beds for other patients. Data from NHS Lothian estimates that it has led to 146 fewer admissions in the past year, with 136 patients able to get home from hospital sooner because the right level of care was available in the community. Claire Yerramasu, Advanced Physiotherapist, and Team Lead, says the team tries to help patients with acute flare-ups whenever they are unwell at home. We are delighted to announce that Claire has been successfully awarded a place on the CSO Innovation Academic Fellowship as part of HISES. Claire will be leading a project on Utilising Routine Data and Digitally-Enabled Care to provide regional identification, triage, and management optimisation for COPD. Congratulations to Claire and the CRT for their amazing work!
Claire Yerramasu, Advanced Physiotherapist and Team LeadThe team tries to help patients with acute flare-ups whenever they are unwell at home, this will lead to better self-management when the patient is not unwell. That in turn helps prevent admissions in the future because if they are treated early, they are less likely to panic, become anxious about symptoms and admit to hospital.