HISES Innovation Clinical Lead for Mental Health Opportunity!
Health Innovation South-East Scotland
Innovation Clinical Lead for Mental Health (Children and Young People)
2 years in the first instance
1 session per week (fixed or flexible as appropriate to service needs)
Health Innovation South-East Scotland (HISES) is a Regional Innovation Test Bed funded by the Scottish Government Chief Scientists’ Office as part of the national network created to deliver the Government’s vision to utilise innovation to deliver a healthier and wealthier nation for the future.
Expressions of interest are now invited for the post of HISES Innovation Clinical Lead for Mental Health (Children and Young People), to work as part of the HISES Team.
We are seeking an enthusiastic and dynamic individual to provide clinical insight into the development of innovative solutions in partnership with clinical teams, citizens, industry, higher education institutions, and the third sector for adoption within one to two years time to provide longer term sustainable solutions to address Mental Health service delivery challenges for children and young people at both a local and regional level.
These solutions will be different from the extensive service improvement activities currently being tested and adopted in CAMHS across the Region, though they will be informed by the learning from these.
Applicants will be East Region (Borders, Fife and Lothian) practicing clinical leaders in Mental Health services with current or previous experience of working with CAMHs patients. You will bring your clinical knowledge and leadership skills to support HISES in building and
maintaining collaborative working relationships with partners, securing external funding, and creating innovative solutions to complex health and social care needs. The ability to work across traditional health and social care boundaries and organisations is essential as is the ability to support change within a complex environment.
Working closely with staff and service users across the regional CAMHS services you will promote Mental Health innovation activity across the East Region, supporting the development of prioritised innovation collaborations to progress projects from attracting funding through to adoption and spread. As part of this role, you will also provide clinical input into discussions on regulation and governance requirements.
You will work closely and be supported by the wider staff within HISES, including Clinical Innovation Leads in other service areas.
This post will have a key role in HISES to better position the Regional Test Bed in being successful in attracting funding available for delivering innovation in national priorities for children and young people Mental Health service delivery, such as collaborative bids with industry and academia for innovation grants as well as Small Business Research Initiative (SBRI)Competitions.
The Application Process
Applicants are asked to submit a two-page CV, accompanied by a statement (no greater than one page) on:
“How in the role of Innovation Clinical Lead for Mental Health (Children and Young People) do I intend to bring clinical leadership to the successful progression by HISES of prioritised innovation challenges into longer term sustainable solutions, with possible application then to other age groups.”
To request a job application pack including job description, please contact Martina Wenczler at martina.wenczler@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk
Closing date and time for receipt of applications: Tuesday 19th April at 12.00 noon.
Date and time for interviews: Monday 25th April, between 1pm and 4pm.
Informal enquiries to:
Prof. Tim Walsh, Director of Innovation, NHS Lothian and HISES, Head of Department,
Anaesthesia, Critical Care & Pain Medicine, University of Edinburgh
Email: Timothy.Walsh@ed.ac.uk
Grahame Cumming, NHS Lothian Innovation Champion, Programme Lead HISES Mental
Health Innovation
Email: grahame.cumming@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk
Frances Quirk, Assistant RD&I Director & NHS Fife Innovation Champion
Email: frances.quirk@nhs.scot
Joy Dawson, Research Governance and NHS Borders Innovation Champion.
Email: joy.dawson@borders.scot.nhs.uk